Τηλ. Κέντρο: 281340 8000          E-mail: information@venizeleio.gr Γρ. Πολίτη: 281340 8149            Information: EN   DE   FR   IT   RU    Πρωινά Ραντεβού:2813408189     Απογευματ.Ραντεβού: 281340 8469


Br… Kirk… was admitted to the emergency department of the hospital on Monday 10th July. Owing to an extremely quick diagnosis and immediate treatment, my husband’s life was saved.

We would both like to thank the team of expert doctors who quickly diagnosed acute renal failure. Within a couple of hours of arriving at the hospital my husband was admitted to the dialysis department for immediate treatment. Without the expert knowledge of the specialist team involved, my husband would not have survived.

Please convey our thanks and appreciation to the nurses in the Dialysis department for their care and dedication shown to my husband.

Please also thank all of the nursing staff in ward 113 who did their utmost to care for my husband.

Please thank everyone involved who treated my husband

We wish all of the people of Greece and the country of Greece to prosper in the future.

Words cannot express the deep sense of gratitude we both feel.

We would appreciate it if you would bring this email to the attention of all concerned.

Jacq… and Br… Kirk…

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